FITeens Toolkit

10 viabilidade e eficácia das intervenções mHealth para os comportamentos de risco associados ao estilo de vida (Champion et al., 2019). Em suma, há vários pontos que devem ser considerados no desenvolvimento de intervenções de saúde para adolescentes em contexto escolar: Se quiser saber mais sobre a promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis nas escolas, visite as seguintes hiperligações: 1. School Health Guidelines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 2. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles in High School Adolescents (Melnyk, B. M., Jacobson, D., Kelly, S., Small, L., O'Haver, J. & Marsiglia, F. F., 2013) 3. What can I do as a teacher or school to encourage healthy eating habits and to be active? (SA Health) 4. Improve the health of schools (Let’s Move!) 5. Improving well-being at school (Council of Europe) 6. Health promoting schools (World Health Organization) 7. School health promotion: evidence for effective action (Schools for Health in Europe) 8. What is Health Promoting School? (Western Australian Health Promoting Schools Association Inc) 9. Promoting healthy lifestyles (New Zealand Ministry of Education) 10. What works in schools and colleges to increase physical activity? (Public Health England) 11. Whole-schools ideas (Public Health England) 12. School Health Promotion (Well-Ahead)