FITeens Toolkit
85 In this publication you can find numerous resources to start developing healthy habits among your students. A common problem in the implementation of a school intervention program is trying to cover too many behaviors at the same time. In this sense, it seems important when setting up a program to promote healthy habits to be cautious and not start with overly ambitious goals. For example, we could incorporate different behaviors progressively throughout the academic year, or in subsequent years. This document, therefore, could be an excellent tool where you can find different resources and ideas that allow you to configure your intervention program, whether your objective is to apply a specific task or if you want to implement a more ambitious program of one or more health-related behaviors. In addition, the resources and learning scenarios shown in this toolkit should serve as an idea and example for their application in a given context. In this sense, it is important to adapt these tasks to the specific context of each school. Therefore, these activities should not be applied in a rigid way, but rather to provide a general guidance for each teacher to adapt them within his or her own context. Finally, we would like to encourage the implementation of this type of programme from a multidisciplinary point of view. The promotion of health-related behaviours should not only be the responsibility of PE teachers, but should involve all curricular areas and be a commitment of all school agents that make up the educational context. This will provide a much more complete approach and will make it possible to be more successful in the implementation of the intervention program. Although the initiative comes from PE, we can all participate in the promotion of healthy habits.
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